Insights and curiosities

Feast of St. Anne: ancient rite of birthing mass is renewed

Renewed again this year is the ancient rite of the procession of parturients from the village of Ischia Ponte who, as tradition would have it, used to go by sea on decorated gozzi on St. Anne’s Day to the little church dedicated to her set among the rocks of Baia Di Cartaromana to ask for her protection in childbirth.

Events toward the Feast of St. Anne 2024

The program of the Festa a Mare at the St. Anne’s Reefs 2024 includes on Thursday, July 25 from 6 p.m. from the Seaweed Square the continuous cycle departure of boats that will start the procession by sea to the temple of St. Anne.

Here, in an enchanting setting made even more evocative by the lights of sunset, a Solemn Mass dedicated to parturients will take place at 7 p.m. in the churchyard, presided over by His Excellency Bishop Carlo, Villano Bishop of Ischia, in the presence of the highest civil and religious authorities.

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